
Carol Kennedy Murder: A Dreadful Tale Of Betrayal And Violence

Carol Kennedy murder had a lasting impact on Prescott, Arizona, profoundly affecting her family and friends.

In July 2008, Prescott’s quiet and peaceful town was shaken by a terrible crime that resulted in the death of Carol Kennedy. Carol was a talented artist and a divorced woman.

As the investigation progressed, it was discovered that the person behind this terrible act was her ex-husband, Steven DeMocker.

Let’s look into the events before her murder, the investigators’ hard work to solve the case, and the final decision made about Steven DeMocker’s guilt.

Carol Kennedy’s vicious assault

On July 2, 2008, Carol Kennedy’s life took a tragic turn. She was on a call with her mother based in Nashville when the unimaginable occurred. 

As she was talking to her mother on the phone, she suddenly cried in shock, saying, “Oh, no!” The call ended quickly, and this worried everyone.

Emergency helpers came to Carol’s home in Prescott very fast. Sadly, they found her lying on the floor with no life in her body. There was a lot of blood around her.

The attack on her was very violent. She got seriously hurt in her head, and it seemed like someone used something that looked like a golf club to hit her, maybe even seven times.

The initial suspects and the dark truth

Initially, the detectives concentrated on Carol Kennedy’s rumoured boyfriend, Jim Knapp, while investigating the Carol Kennedy murder case.

Jim seemed like the main person they suspected, but then he provided an alibi, saying he was with his son when the murder happened.

However, the story turned tragic when Jim Knapp sadly died about five to six months later, leaving a cloud of suspicion.

Soon after, the spotlight shifted to Steven DeMocker, Carol’s ex-husband, as a new potential suspect.

Unearthing circumstantial evidence against Steven DeMocker

The divorce between Carol Kennedy and Steven DeMocker took place two months before the fatal incident. 

Their relationship had been tense, as Steven was burdened with financial obligations.

Including $6,000 in monthly alimony payments and mounting debts. Moreover, Carol’s life insurance policy presented a motive that raised eyebrows. 

As detectives dug more profound, the case against Steven began to take shape, relying primarily on circumstantial evidence.

Crucial clues and chilling internet search

Detectives pieced together critical evidence that pointed towards Steven DeMocker’s guilt. 

He claimed to have been on a bike trail near Carol’s home during the murder, and phone records corroborated his unavailability. 

Behind Carol’s house, authorities found tire tracks matching Steven’s bike and shoe prints from a pair he owned. 

Moreover, Steven’s body bore scratches, further raising suspicions.

While searching Steven’s residence, investigators made a chilling discovery – a missing golf club from his collection that could be the murder weapon. 

To add to the weight of evidence, Steven’s internet search history was brought to light, revealing searches related to “how to kill someone and make it look like a suicide.” 

The mounting circumstantial evidence presented a compelling case against him.

Steven DeMocker’s conviction in Carol Kennedy murder

After a lengthy wait for justice, the trial of Steven DeMocker commenced in 2013. The atmosphere in the courtroom was tense.

As the jury meticulously examined the evidence presented during the proceedings.

After careful consideration, the jury decided: they found Steven DeMocker guilty on three serious counts related to the Carol Kennedy murder case.

The first count was for first-degree murder, indicating the jury’s belief that DeMocker intentionally and premeditatedly caused her murder. 

The second count was for burglary, suggesting that he unlawfully entered her property with criminal intent. 

The third charge involved tampering with physical evidence, namely H. He attempted to alter or conceal evidence related to the crime.

The trial’s outcome dealt Dermock a crushing blow, leaving him utterly devastated as he struggled to accept that his future was now etched in stone.

In a firm and unyielding manner, the judge delivered a severe sentence.

Condemning Dermock to a lifetime of imprisonment and adding another ten years to ensure that parole would never be an option.

Consequently, Dermock confronted a bleak and unforgiving reality, knowing he would spend the rest of his days behind bars without any prospect of release.

His actions’ weight and consequences loomed heavily on his shoulders, and he had to grapple with the full magnitude of his choices.


Fernande Dalal

Update: 2024-05-09