
2/3 cups to grams conversion 2/3 cups to grams conversion table for some ingredients in baking

When following a recipe, it’s important to use the correct measurements. Baking is a science, so making even small changes can result in an entirely different outcome. It’s hard to remember the 2/3 cups to grams conversions for every possible ingredient, and if you’re not confident in your math skills, it can be difficult to convert cups to grams and vice versa.

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Bartopsicom has created 2/3 cups to grams conversion table for some ingredients in baking that will make converting easy for you. With this table, you’ll be able to bake your favorite recipes with perfect results every time.

2/3 cups to grams conversion

Actually, converting 2/3 cups to grams is a difficult conversion to make when it comes to cooking. This is because there are few ingredients that have 2/3 cup measurements, making the conversion slightly tricky. To convert your 2/3 cup measurement of a dry ingredient to grams, you will need to know the density.

We will show you three ways to convert 2/3 cups to grams for a more exact conversion. You can use this information to calculate the exact amount of grams for your 2/3 cup measurement. Now, let’s explore each way below.

2/3 cups to grams conversion

2/3 cups to grams conversion

Converting 2/3 cups to grams by using the converter

One of the easiest ways to convert 2/3 cups to grams is by using a converter. A converter will quickly and accurately give you the number of grams that corresponds with your 2/3 cup measurement. All you have to do is type in the ingredient, 2/3 cup, and then select grams as your unit and it will show you how many grams are equal to 2/3 cup.

Converting 2/3 cups to grams by using a measuring chart

If you don’t have access to a converter, the next best way to get an exact conversion of 2/3 cups to grams is by using a measuring chart. A measuring chart will give you the exact amount of grams for each cup measurement of the ingredient.

Here is a measuring chart of 2/3 cups to grams, in this case, we use water as an ingredient because the density of water is 1 g/ml.

Converting 2/3 cups to grams by using a formula

Converting cups to grams is simple, just multiply the volume by 236.588236 times the density of the ingredient or material

This easy formula can show you how to convert:

grams = cups*236.588236 *ingredient density

In conclusion, the amount in grams is 236.588236 times the cups multiplied by the density of whatever you’re measuring.

Here’s an example of how to convert 2/3 cups to grams for an ingredient with a density of 1 g/mL.

2/3 c = 2/3*236.588236*1= 158 grams

Converting 2/3 cups to grams by using a scale

The last way to convert 2/3 cups to grams is by using a scale. A scale will measure the exact weight of your ingredient and therefore you can calculate how many grams are in 2/3 cup. To do this, you need to know the density of your ingredient. Once you know that, simply measure out 2/3 cup of the ingredient on the scale and you will have your exact weight in grams.

By following the methods we’ve provided, you can easily convert 2/3 cups to grams for any ingredient or material. Whether you use a converter, measuring chart, formula or scale, you will be able to calculate your exact measurement in grams.

2/3 cups equal how many grams?

Have you ever wondered about this question? However, before answering the question is how many grams are in 2/3 cups, you need to know the definition of the cup and gram.

A cup is a unit of volume that equals 16 tablespoons or 8 fluid ounces. Though the cup shouldn’t be confused with the metric cup or teacup, they are all different units of volume. While one solely up is just under 236.6 milliliters, nutrition labels state that one cup is 240 milliliters.

A gram is 1/1,000th of a kilogram and about the same as the mass of a cubic centimeter of water.

So, now that you know the definitions of a cup and a gram, the answer 2/3 cups in grams is approximately 158 grams. This means that 2/3 cup is equal to 158 grams.

Thus, we know 2/3 cup how many grams? Hopes this information will useful for you.

2/3 cups to grams conversion table for some ingredients in baking

A conversion table is a handy tool to have when converting measurements from one unit to another. This particular table converts 2/3 cups to grams for some common baking ingredients. Knowing the weight of an ingredient in grams can be helpful when following a recipe that calls for specific measurements. Now, let’s discover here.

Conversion table 2/3 cups butter to grams

Conversion table 2/3 cups dry goods to grams

Conversion table 2/3 cups rolled oats to grams

Conversion table 2/3 cups bread flour to grams

A conversion table for 2/3 cups of bread flour to grams can be used to make sure the correct amount of flour is used in a recipe. The table can also be used to convert 2/3 cups flour to grams if needed.

Conversion table 2/3 cups honey, molasses & syrup to grams

Conversion table 2/3 cups white sugar (granulated) to grams

Conversion table 2/3 cups brown sugar to grams

Notes on converting 2/3 cup to grams

When measuring dry ingredients for cooking (like flour, butter, cocoa powder, etc.), always use grams instead of cups for more accurate results.

The number of grams 2/3 cup converts to can be affected by factors such as the room’s temperature or ingredient quality.

If you’re looking for an exact measurement, it’s best to use a kitchen scale. This will give you the most accurate conversion from cups to grams and make sure your recipe turns out perfect every time!

All conversions above are approximate. For best results, always use a kitchen scale for accuracy.

This super-powered kitchen scale can turn anyone into a master baker


2/3 cup of milk equals how many grams?

Many people always ask how to convert 2/3 cup of liquid to grams, in particular, 2/3 cup of milk to grams. After converting, 2/3 cup of milk is equivalent to approximately 163 grams.

This conversion is based on the assumption that 1 cup of milk weighs approximately 243.5 grams. To convert 2/3 cup to grams, simply multiply 2/3 by 243.5 and you will get 163 grams as the result. It is important to note that this conversion may not be exact in all cases, depending on the type of milk used.

For example, skim milk is lighter than full-fat milk and may require a different conversion. It is always best to check with the specific recipe you are using for accurate measurements.

FAQs: 2/3 cups to grams conversion – 2/3 cups to grams conversion table for some ingredients in baking

How much is 2/3 cup in grams wet?

1/4 c85 g
1/3 c113 g
1/2 c170 g
2/3 c227 g

What is 2/3 of a cup out of a cup?

Two-thirds of a cup equals one-half cup plus two tablespoons plus two teaspoons.

How many grams is 2/3 cups oil?

1 Tablespoon13 grams35 ml
1/3 US cup72 grams80 ml
1/2 US cup108 grams120 ml
2/3 US cup144 grams160 ml
3/4 US cup162 grams180 ml


Although baking is a science, it can also be an art. The right combination of ingredients and the perfect measurements are crucial in creating delicious baked goods. hopes our 2/3 cups to grams conversion table for some ingredients help you create your next masterpiece in the kitchen.

Have you tried converting any other ingredients using this table? Let us know in the comments below!


Tamela Phillippe

Update: 2024-05-09