
Mechanical Engineering Vs Software Engineering: Salary, Similarities & Difference

Mechanical Engineering Vs Software Engineering: Salary, Similarities & Difference;- Mechanical engineering and software engineering are two very different fields of work. They both have their similarities and differences, but they also serve a specific purpose in the world.

There are significant differences between the two fields mentioned above. A mechanical engineer works on designing machines while dealing with raw products to build new technologies that can be used in many places like a manufacturing plant or power station. Software engineers work on developing computer programs, which is something that mechanical engineers don’t do at all (although there might be some who do).

Mechanical Engineer Vs Software Engineer Job Outlook

The job outlook for both mechanical and software engineers is expected to increase by 21% from 2016 through 2026. In fact, the demand for mechanical engineers is 11% higher than it was in 2012. Meanwhile, the demand for software engineers has increased by 22%.

The best jobs are those that involve mechanical or electrical engineering, as they have some of the highest growth rates in their respective fields (15% and 17%, respectively). The most common types of employers include multinational companies such as Apple Inc., Google Inc., Facebook Inc., Boeing Co., Amazon Web Services LLC and

Microsoft Corp.; government agencies like NASA; non-profit organizations such as the Mayo Clinic; small businesses such as plumbing contractors or lawn care companies; manufacturing plants like General Electric Co.; power plants like Exelon Corp.; defense contractors such as Raytheon Company; transportation companies like American Airlines Group Inc.; utilities such as Dominion Energy Incorporated Company

Mechanical Engineer Vs Software Engineer Salary & Benefits

In terms of salary, mechanical engineers and software engineers have very similar salaries. A mechanical engineer can expect to make an average annual salary of $84,000 while a software engineer makes around $85,000 on average. Although it is not a huge difference in pay between the two professions, there are some benefits that might be worth taking into consideration when looking at both options for your future career.

When comparing benefits between mechanical and software engineers, you will find that they are comparable across the board in most cases. Some common benefits include health insurance coverage (either premiums deducted from your paycheck or paid by your employer), 401k retirement plans with matching contributions from employers if you contribute yourself through payroll deductions and paid time off such as vacations or sick days.

All this information should be taken into consideration when deciding which path to take in pursuing your career as either one of these professionals can provide great opportunities for growth and advancement throughout their lives.

Mechanical Engineer Vs Software Engineer Difference

  • Mechanical engineering vs software engineering: education and job responsibilities
  • Mechanical Engineers vs Software Engineers: Job Outlook
  • Salary comparison of a mechanical engineer versus a software engineer
  • Benefits and perks offered to both mechanical engineers and software engineers.

Mechanical engineers usually work with machinery, circuits and devices that are used in the manufacturing industry or construction related projects. They design factory equipment, industrial production lines, engines, tools and machines that require precision engineering.

On the other hand, software engineers create computer programs or applications which would help solve problems related to business processes or people’s everyday lives through the use of computers (software).

Mechanical Engineer Vs Software Engineer Similarities

As you can see, there are many similarities between software engineers and mechanical engineers. Both are involved in the design and development of devices or systems, both require a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and PhD (although not always necessary), and both require a license to practice as a professional engineer.

Is mechanical or computer engineering better?

Mechanical engineering is a more lucrative and challenging career than computer engineering.

Mechanical engineering is a better choice than computer engineering because:

  • Mechanical engineers earn more than software engineers.
  • Computer systems analysts can learn on the job, but mechanical engineers need formal training in college with additional education afterward.
  • Mechanical engineers have greater opportunities to move up in their field, whereas software engineers are limited by what products are being sold at the time.

Do mechanical or computer engineers make more?

So, do mechanical or computer engineers make more? Well, the answer is yes. Mechanical engineers are paid more than software engineers. The median annual salary for a software engineer was $90,000 as of May 2016; for a mechanical engineer it was $73,000.

Which engineering branch has highest salary?

A mechanical engineer’s salary is much higher than the average starting salary for software engineers. The median annual wage for a mechanical engineer was $85,300 in May 2017, which is almost twice as much as what a software engineer makes at $47,890 per year (the median annual wage).

A survey by Indeed found that the average salaries of different branches of engineering are as follows:

  • Mechanical engineering: $88,000 – $120,000
  • Software engineering: $84,500 – 120k+
  • Electrical engineering: 85-100k+

Is mechanical engineering the highest salary?

The answer to this question depends on what you want to do. While mechanical engineering is the highest salary, you’ll find that software engineers earn more money in general. The reason for this is simple: there are more software engineers than mechanical engineers in the workforce, so the demand for their services is higher and thus they can command higher salaries.

If you’re a mechanical engineering student who wants to become an architect or structural engineer, it’s likely that your salary will be lower than other architects and structural engineers with similar experience because of the competition with more qualified applicants.

Mechanical Engineering and Software Engineering have many similarities, but also have some key differences.

So, what do you think? Are these two engineering disciplines similar in any way? In fact, they have many similarities. For example:

  • Both are engineering disciplines and have a wide range of job opportunities.
  • Both have a high salary (with an average annual salary of $79K).
  • Both have a high demand with jobs available across the country.
  • Both have a high job growth rate (with 22% projected growth).


The salary of a mechanical engineer versus that of a computer engineer can be quite similar, but only if you’re not looking at the top end of the salaries. Mechanical engineers make more money than software engineers and, generally speaking, they have better job prospects. However all this is assuming you’re at the very top level with both careers (and not just starting out).


Fernande Dalal

Update: 2024-05-08